Banner Image Taken at Rothbury Traditional Music Festival 2015 - courtesy of Fiona Bainbridge
Picture Gallery - the Early Days
Rothbury Kilted Pipe Band
photos kindly donated by Peter Dawson & William (Billy) Murray

Rothbury Highland Pipe Band
The photo above shows the members of the newly re-formed Pipe Band on the 25th June 1955 as they head the school sports parade. This is possibly when the name was changed from Rothbury Kilted Pipe Band (see below on dance avert for original name), to its modern day equivalent.
We think the photo on the left of George (Geordie) Atkinson is the same person leading the band at the sports day (above)
note no uniforms as yet

Rothbury Kilted Pipe Band had almost disappeared due to the age of, and the deaths of the original Bandsmen.
Here you can see the newly re-formed Rothbury Highland Pipe Band marching on Armistice Day 1955 and below are the names of the Bandsmen, some of whom you may recognise are in the band to this day - George (Geordie) Nixon & Billy Murray.
They hadn't been able to afford the full outfit and were without Jackets for a time, but this didn't stop them playing in all weathers or at Christmas and on New Years Day.

Names of the Bandsmen in 1955 - also a few of the other Dignatories and children - do you know any of the others? Please let us know if you do.

These are the same bandsmen as in the above photo and on the same day, having marched to Town Foot.
Photo taken at the side of the Queens Head Hotel on Brewery Lane

Rothbury Kilted Pipe Band circa 1920's - one of the earliest photos we have
Bandsmen from L to R
back row
Bobby Allcroft, Gideon Ballantyne, Tich (Bob) Richardson, (?) Grieve, Isaac Gray, (?) Hornsby
front row
Archie Hood, George Robinson, Robbie Murray, Joe Foggon, Geordie Aitchison

Rothbury Kilted Pipe Band circa 1930's
Bandsmen from L to R
Robbie Murray, Alf Huish, Bob Diggle, Gideon Ballantyne, Bob Allcroft, William Murray, Jack Telfer, Albert Redhead, Tich Richardson, George Robinson, Neil Hood & Isaac Gray
The littel drummer boy is Isaac Gray's Grandson

Marching to Thropton - 1920's
There were a lot fewer folk on the return leg - see below

Marching back through Rothbury from Thropton - 1920's
As you can see from the photo above, the Band also had the company of members of the old Brass Band. At least one Tuba, a Horn and a Trumpet or Bugle can clearly be seen - an early example of a Rothbury massed band perhaps ........ perhaps not.

Rothbury Kilted Pipe Band - circa 1930's Carnival Day
The Pipe Band being inspected by the Carnival King and Queen - plus the Royal Couples entourage
names L to R
Bandsmen:- George Robinson, Albert Redhead, Isaac Gray
Royal Party:- [ King ] Robbie Davison, [ Lady in waiting ] Margaret Nesbit, [ Lady in waiting ] Olive Tinnent, [ Queen ] Dorothy Ford.

On the left is an early Poster for what was to become a regular high light in the Rothbury Village Calander and some say it's a shame it has now ceased.
You can see clearly that the old name for the Band was 'Rothbury Kilted Pipe Band' and not as it is known today 'Rothbury Highland Pipe Band'. We are not entirely sure when the change of name occurred, but possibly when the Band was reformed in 1955.
The advertised 'Fancy Dress Ball' was clearly an early understanding that events were needed in order to raise funds so that such an organisation would continue well into the future.
This event was only a year after the Band was formed and with such an elaborate and well designed poster, it also shows the dedication and craftsmanship that existed in the village.

The photo above shows the list of dances at the 1921 Fancy Dress Ball. It is a little blurred and written in fancy lettering so in case of confusion, you will find the dance programme a bit more clearly below (note - the Hullaghan would today be pronounced Hooligan):-
Part 1
1]. Grand March
2]. Lancers
3]. Veleta
4]. Barn Dance
5]. Flirtation Waltz (twilight)
6]. One Step
7]. Hullaghan (country dance)
8]. Waltz
9]. Plain Schottische
10]. La Rosa
11]. Waltz
Part 2
1]. One Step
2]. Veleta
3]. Lancers
4]. Plain Schottische
5]. Waltz Ring (twilight)
6]. Highland Schottische
7]. Military Two Step
8]. Lancers
9]. Waltz
10]. Maxina
11]. Barn Dance
Final Dance - 22]. Waltz
The poster is initialled RM - this is Rolley Mowatt or Mowett

Rothbury Highland Pipe Band
Fame at last - T.V. appearance - either the 'White Heather Club' or 'Jimmy Shand' filmed at the Tyne Tees Studios, Newcastle
Bandsmen who can be seen - from L to R
John Mackay (Pipe Major), Noel Scott, Kevin Scott, George Nixon, Bill Charlton, William (Billy) Murray and Jack Miller (Drum Major)

Rothbury Highland Pipe Band - beside the War Memorial, Rothbury - circa 1984
Bandsmen from L to R
Back Row:-
Kevin Scott, Andrew Miller, Noel Scott, Jack Miller (Drum Major), William (Billy) Murray, George Nixon, Jim Miller, John Robson
Front Row:-
Michael Nixon, Allan Murray, Ken Whitehead
More History
photos by kind permission of Kevin Whitehead
These next two photos were taken during a visit to an aerodrome - I'm not sure when or where and I am endeavouring to find out - if you know, then let me know at
It must have been a hot day as one of our lads can be seen ..... how shall we say..... relaxing between performances!!

It's a good job the Sporran was there eh!!

Rothbury Highland Pipe Band - on the Cow Haugh on Carnival Day (circa - unkown)
Bandsmen from L to R
Bill Telfer, Dick Charleton, Billy Murray, ? ?, ? ?, Billy Gibson, ? ?, ? ?, Ken Whitehead, Jimmy Miller, ? ?, Geordie Nixon
if you know the names of the missing bandsmen, then let me know at

A Hot Day!!
Bandsmen taking a break - the old Dress One uniforms looked grand, but on a hot day they were exhausting.
bandsmen from L to R: - Jack Miller (Drum Major), Ken Whitehead (snare drum) and Richard (Dick) Charleton (big drum)

Rothbury Fair Day
bandsmen from big drum clockwise:-
Dick Charleton (big drum), Ken Whitehead, Jack Miller (drum major), Geordie Nixon, Noel Scott, Kevin Scott, ??, Sadie Charleton, ??, ??, ??
Dress One Uniform on Fair Day a few years ago

Relaxing after a Grand Day Out